Zebra 2 is a realtime mono/polyphonic (16-note) modular-style commercial softsynth created by Urs Heckman and the team at U-he.com. A demo linux beta version is available for download directly from U-he.com at the link below. The download tarball, when decompressed and installed, automatically installs the smaller version, Zebralette, as a free gift. The demo version has full use capability, with the limitation that generated midi notes will be modified after a certain time interval.
Zebra 2, like other U-he softsynths, is a plugin that must be opened within a DAW or host such as Qtractor, Reaper or Carla. Zebra 2 has a patch grid area (leftmost screenshot above) where its modules can be loaded and used as modulation sources (click on Synthesis). Oscillators are loaded on the lefthand side of the screen, envelopes and LFOs are loaded (as needed) on the righthand side of the screen. There is a Perform GUI (click on Perform) which allows x-y axis modulation control (when active, indicated with a '+' sign in the preset name). The Presets button accesses the preset collections for full preset management.
The bottom area of the GUI will change depending on the mode in usage. There are Global, four Oscillator, FM, Multi-stage Envelope, XY parameter, Arp/Sequencer and Modulation Matrix panels.
An in-depth manual which explains all routing and modulation options and controls is included in the download tarball.